With a lifelong dream to become a driver, this fearless young lady found a love for speed and its machines at a very young age. That passion has brought Jessi to some remarkable achievements in her life which have empowered millions globally to recognize her as one of the best female role models in the world of motorsports. Men love her skills and looks while women are fascinated and drawn in by her capacity to rock it out in a man’s world.
A talented athlete as well, Jessi has trained in multiple forms of driving such as Drifting, Stunt Driving, Performance Racing, Evasive Driving, and off-road among many others. This has allowed Jessi to become a performance driver for the film and commercial world where she has driven everything from super cars to monster trucks, relics to rally cars, hot rods, two wheels, four wheels and even at times, no wheels. Driving has opened a whole new passion into the arena of possibilies for her between human and machine.
When it comes to competitive driving, Combs feels right at home in the driver seat, like she was born for it. Her ability to keep a low heart rate, remain calm and methodically think through high stress situations is a quality attribute to any team. Jessi is sure to be racing in multiple motorsport facets to not only win, yet also in attempt to prove a woman's worth behind the wheel. Her desire to become a professional driver resonates with the fans, making her a person they can vicariously live through as well as an inspirational individual who is continuously breaking the mold and challenges them to push their own limits.
Racing Career Highlights:
2018 - Landspeed - NAE - new top speed of 483.227 mph
2018 - Gambler 500 Mini Moto Enduro - 2nd - ironman 100 miles
2018 - Ultra 4 King of the Hammers - 1st - Stock class - 3rd overall Every Man Challenge
2017 - Ultra 4 King of the Hammers - 12th - Ultra4 Unlimited class
2016 - Landspeed - NAE - new top speed of 477.59 mph
2016 – Ultra 4 King of the Hammers - 1st - EMC Modified Class
2015 – Rallye Aicha des Gazelles - 1st - First Participation - 10th overall
2015 – SCORE Baja 1000 - 2nd - Class 7
2014 – Ultra 4 National Championship - 1st - Spec Class
2014 – Ultra 4 Western Region Series - 1st - Spec Class
2014 – Ultra 4 American Rock Sports Challenge - 3rd - Spec Class
2014 – Ultra 4 Glen Helen Grand Prix - 2nd - Spec Class
2014 – Ultra 4 Stampede - 1st - Legends Class
2014 – Ultra 4 King of the Hammers - 1st - Spec Class
2013 – Set world land speed record - Fastest Woman on 4-Wheels - 398 mph with a top speed of 440 mph
2011 – SCORE Baja 1000 - 2nd - Class 10
To have Jessi race or drive for you or to become part of the mission as a sponsor, click here to contact her.

Way back in 1976, Kitty O'Neil set a driving record as the fastest woman at a mind blowing 512 mph. In 2013 the North American Eagle (NAE) team added Jessi as the driver in attempt of breaking that long standing historical record. To date, Jessi is the Fastest Woman on 4-Wheels holding a record of 398 mph with a top speed of 483 mph.
The team remains in pursuit for Combs to become the Fastest Woman on Earth. The overall mission of the NAE Supersonic Speed Challenger is simple: to bring the world land speed record back to North America. With an all volunteer team of engineers, technicians, mechanics and computer geeks, they currently have a vehicle ready to break the 763 mph world land speed record set on October 15, 1997 by the British.
The jet car has made 49 test runs on 12 different occasions. When the aerodynamics team gives the go ahead, enough funds have been raised (sponsors needed), BLM grants the permits, and mother nature is good to us; we will set a date for the next attempt at the women's record, the single engine record and the world record.

King of the Hammers (KOH) is considered to be the most brutal one-day desert race in the world, and rightfully so with a mix of highspeed desert, gnarly rock sections and a mere 20% finishing rate. Racing in 2010 and 2012 - 2015, Jessi took home a spec class win in 2014 to become the first female to ever place at any Ultra4 event, and pressed on to wrap up the season with the 2014 National Championship.
Savyy Off Road has established the winning combination in the KOH Every Man Challenge (EMC). Their 4500 and 4600 Jeeps have dominated every race by securing 1st place overall since the class inception. Gerald Lee and John Currie developed the formula of bringing success to all our sponsors, which in turn generates the benefit of brand awareness to all partners.
Experience KOH in 360* video!

Finishing the legendary Baja 1000 is a massive feat of its own and a true testament of determination, skill and balls. This gloablly known event is labeled as the toughest race of its kind. Every year, hundreds of teams from around the world made up of the best of the best amongst the newest of the new, make their attempt at conquering the Baja terrain. No two courses are alike and at high speeds in the midst of the desert, anything can happen. The appeal between the beauty of Baja and the danger that lurks around every turn is what the risk takers come back for year upon year.
Finishing mutliple times is winning, yet podium positions in the 2011 class 10 and the 2015 class 7 are true landmarks on Combs' racing resume. The 2015 BAJA 1000 will go down in history as one of the most difficult courses in recent history. After Jessi drove 500 miles (61% of the total course), spent 24 hours in the car including a 5 hour crash/repair downtime (69% of time on course), only a 4 cyl Ecotec engine, with Paige Sohren as driver of record (who drove the 1st and 3rd legs of the race); the all-girl driving-team took home 2nd place in class 7.
While Jessi will always keep her schedule open for Baja, just in case a ringer opportunity pops up last minute, she has big plans for 2017 that will go down in the books as one of the bravest moves she's ever made.... just think female version of Ivan Stewart.

It all started one cold night in November, 1947, when 8 young men from Carlsbad, CA came together over coffee at the APEX cafe. It was that moment when they transformed their dreams of forming a roadster and custom car club into a reality, and The Oilers were born. Fast forward to 2008 and a found copy of Robert Genat's book, "The Birth of Hot Rodding, The Story of the Dry Lakes Era.", and a fresh infatuation of automotive history and car club culture was ignited. The new brotherhood was formed promising to carry on the legacy; build machines for speed, endurance and beauty, and keep the time honored sport of competition alive! Their determination to bring back racing as it once was eventually spawned The Race of Gentlemen (TROG) in 2014.
Every year a hand-selected group of gentlemen, and now ladies, will showcase and flog their pre-war machines down the water's edge on the beach of Wildwood, New Jersey. The carefully curated event is not only the closest thing to time warp ever experienced, it offers a thrilling history lesson and an unforgettable weekend, all rolled into one. It's not necessarily about winning or losing, it's about the amusement associated with the homage of that era.
In 2015, TROG and Craftsman invited Jessi as one of the first five woman to compete in the carnival event. By racing a 1917 twin engine Model T down the beach, the car was amongst the oldest yet more competative cars on the strip. Racing a relic requires an entirely differently driving mentality and her ability to handle any situation with any car will foever be in the history books... even when the steering wheel falls off.

The Rallye Aicha Des Gazelles is truly a one-of-a-kind race. Set amongst the Sahara desert of Morocco, it is the only all-women off-road rally in the world. Spread across 9 days with each day approximately 10 to 13 hours long, it's is all about navigating the old school way with a simple compass and 1960 hand-drawn maps. All electronic devices, including GPS adn cell phones, are strictly prohibited on this rally. The Gazelle competitors have to reach the predefined check points along their course in the least number of kilometres, rather than in the least amount of time.
The event, created in 1990, has brought hundreds of women to test their own inner strength. Mind you, this race is not about speedor crossing the finish line first; rather strategy, communication, patience, trust, problem-solving, and many more qualities you would not typically define a desert race as. Competing in the Rallye genuinely re-defines 'finding your own way' and 'making your own path'.
March/April of 2015 Jessi navigated, with Nicole Pitell as the driver, their way through the Rallye Aicaha des Gazelles. Together they pulled a 1st place finsh in the First Participation category and a 10th place overall, a miraculous feat for having never participated in an event of this nature. Combs is taking a break from the Gazelle Rallye in 2016, tho hopes to return for another try at a top 3 finish.